It is with great joy, that Danish Balkan Mission (DBM) can begin
distributing the arab translation of Luther small Catechism in Scandi-
navia and Northern Europe.
The book was translated at a Christian Radio station in Beirut and
has been published and reprinted a few times internationally. It is
possible to read more of the conditions of the mission work in
Beirut here and letters, which have been sent to the leader there: Letters for Fadi Khairalllah
The book is international published by the Lutheran Heritage
Foundation (LHF), which publishes books in different languages
to be handed out freely for Lutheran education in churches world-
LHF has an interview with an US-based missionary among
muslims (who himself is half jew, half muslim). Karim_Baidaoui_interview
This is the first time Luthers small Catechism is available in Arabic in Scandinavia. DBM has
been given the task to distribute the book after the same principle as LHF otherwise do – like the
other books DBM distributes. The book can be ordered via DBMs webpage under “Order Books”.