schito1There is still no prospect of DBM can call to be assembled in our own house in the village schito-Golesti. Still DBMS team in Romania weekly (every Saturday morning) gathers the children in the village. .

Impressive numbers coming
It gives incredible good sense to come here in the village with child gatherings. There are almost 70 children at a children’s gathering – a kind of sunday school at a saturday. It is an ordinary Saturday – well every Saturday is ordinary here. Only when the children goes to school – when that happens – they can separates days. The children here meets Bible teaching, singing and prayer. This they would otherwise not have met. Therefore, it is important that DBMS 4 team faithfully come here.

Outdoor life – with no other options
It is deplorable conditions these children and families live in. The very most of life in the village is outside. There is no waterproof houses, no central heating, no more heat and than a bonfire in the courtyard. A present the place is dry and fine, but when autumn comes with rain and wind, it is almost impossible to find warmth and proper shelter a village like this.


En del af børneflokken i Schito-Golesti

En del af børneflokken i Schito-Golesti